These books are $30.00 each, plus shipping. Email jen to place an order.
What Happens Outside of the Kitchen (2016-2020)
I came across an amazing coloring book "Coloring Outside of the Kitchen: A Woman's Place is Inside This Coloring Book", created by teacher, librarian, and artist Casey Landau.
I was impressed by the breadth of women this artist chose to represent, and quickly identified women who have inspired me in my philosophies, worldview, artistic self, and political views, and who I admire. I adapted a few of her drawings into some of these paintings. I enjoyed the process so much, that I continued with my own drawings.
The women in this series are:
Rachel Carson
Paij Wadley Bailey
Alice Walker
Billie Holiday
Mother"Mary Harris" Jones
Georgia O'Keefe
Yoko Ono
*Alice Neel
*Grace Paley
*Ella Baker
Prints available upon request.
5"x7" $10 ea
8"x10" $15 each
5"x7" $10 ea
8"x10" $15 each